Daily Archives: May 30, 2012

Hello Quito!

Tonight we finally made it to Casa Blanca in Quito! To my surprise South American travel is much slower than United States. What would normally take 2 hours would take 4 or more hours here. The food has been great! Lots of rice and fruit drinks. We have been doing training Amazing Race style. This includes challenges and competing in teams. Challenges have included sand-boarding, Peruvian dancing, eating chicken feet and cow’s stomach, catching fish, surfing, taking public transportation, cutting down plantain trees (similar to banana trees), riding on top of a bus, clearing land, and more to come!

This is just a small update, but more details will come soon! I’m not sure when or where the next time we will get internet so updates and pictures will come when I can post them. Thank you all for your prayers and support! Everything is going great! I am safe and doing well!


Posted by on May 30, 2012 in Uncategorized